Friday, August 31, 2012

Being Black on a Plane

My Flight attendant was nice as hell..Don't you love that?
She gave me extra peanuts..MADE MY DAY!
This is her.. I couldn't catch a good picture
of her cause she kept doing this :/


The good thing about being black on a plane : I recently took a flight across the states (ny to Seattle) which is a pretty long flight. I  try to make it as comfortable as possible by booking exit row cause they got mad space or an isle seat so I can hit the loo without squirming over an obese person who shoulda been told they need to buy two seats to sit their fatass down.

One problem I hear from a lot of friends who travel frequently, is they constantly have the person next to them trying to talk their ear off. Old, young, or whoever, they all are lonely and try to get some attention. I even have a friend who goes to the extent of fake sleeping so people don't bother him... That's some bullshit! I would lose my damn mind and prob slap somebody, then get takin down by an air marshall. I have a thick beard too so they prob say I'm a terrorist or some shit. All my friends complaining about this aren't black tho.

See, I don't have that problem and had an epiphany my last flight. I had this real annoying white chick next to me, she was around my age (mid twenties) blastin some terrible ass dubstep ( I hate that stupid shit.. Stop trying to reinvent techno.. Not happenin) and she couldn't sit still. She was obviously pretty nervous from not flying much and wanted to be consoled. She was sittin next to the wrong person for that mess. All I want to do on a flight is eat my hot ass homemade sandwich (from being in my bag all day) and chips while listening to Purple Rain. I don't wanna talk to anyone I wanna Zone and hopefully sleep. So anyways, I caught this chick kinda looking at me with the "hey I'm fun! Talk to me!!" eyes (maybe woulda helped her case if she wasn't a 6ft tall Russian beast with a busted face) and I ignored it. So what does she do?? She starts talking to the person across the isle from us and they start to get loud... So loud that one dude in that isle was like " look how about we switch seats cause you two are obviously hitting it off" haha! It's crazy to me because now that I think back, a lot of  people will look at me, gasp for air like they are going to start a speech on the weather or Obama, then see my blank ass face staring at them like " I fuckin dare you to say something to me" and they turn around and don't say anything. I'm not sure if it's a racial thing or I just got one mean ass mug, but it def works out in my favor for once!

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