Friday, October 5, 2012

Subway Series

This guy was HIGH AS A KITE! I know its kinda hard to see all this shit thats going on but I will break it down.

First.. Dude was crazy high and he had that like matrix lean that crackheads do ( I had never seen this until I moved to NY). Dude would lean all the way over the other seat AND NEVER FALL! SHIT IS AMAZING! crackhead balance is like a ninja crossing a tightrope..

Second.... He had that pink drink thats on the ground in his hand (pic on the right) and a sandwich that was in the bag infront of him. He tried his hardest to eat the sandwich and drink but I guess when your high everything becomes 100x harder. dude drops the sandwich and the drink at the same time. The drink spills over to the next seat (left picture) and makes a puddle. He ends up in this position above for like 20 minutes. I went from Queens to Union Sq and dude was like this THE WHOLE TIME!!


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